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Instructional design & Interior design

Writer's picture: Edwin MurphyEdwin Murphy

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

Introduction to instructional design

Learning is all about the experience. Instructional design models are frameworks to facilitate attaining new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. As a tool, designers use models to engage in learning activities based on the psychological, behavioural traits of learners. We will look at some factors of instructional design that influence learners and designers when attaining new information.

Instructional models assist designers in thinking upfront. Knowing what fragments in a framework follows in a linear or agile fashion is vital in educational, learning, and instructional design.

ADDIE model

The ADDIE model is a process made up of 5 steps: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.

Used as a teaching framework, the ADDIE model separates into five individual segments:

The first step is to identify your instruction goals (problems), target audience, and resources such as learning aids and development programs.

The second step in the process is to transform learning goals into clear learning objectives. By using storyboards, the content is decided upon and created for the scripts -to write modules for the lea

Figure 1: ADDIE model infographic (eLearning, 2017).

rning aids. Learning aids include videos and voice overs as a method to transfer information to learners.

In the third step, the content of the desired learning is decided upon for the courseware or module. These themes or topics form the foundation of the instruction that will need to be carried out by the learner once acquired.

The fourth step is to implement the instruction. The research and equipment attained in the previous actions are launched or tested on learners. This step acts as a probe to follow the next stage of evaluation.

By collecting data in the fifth and final step, evaluation of the instruction is accomplished. This accomplishment reveals if the initial instruction or problem has been resolved or taught.

Dick & Carry Model

Figure 2: Dick and Carry Model (Kurt, 2016).

Much like the ADDIE model, the Dick & Carry model focuses more on an agile movement rather than a linear form of following the model process. The framework for this model is constructed that at any point in the instruction process, a previous step can be revisited. Apart from the model framework, the model consists of a 9 step process that iterates the key elements of each individual step or phase of the process followed. (Pappas, 2015)

After the instructional goals have been identified and the analysis has taken place, the framework allows for the instruction to follow on to the process implementation phase. This purple phase (Figure 2) creates steps to write performance objectives that can be evaluated throughout the process. This affects the behaviour of the learner. Testing and instruction strategies follow in this phase; core content is utilized into material systems that are used to be taught with. This purple phase can relate to the instructional goals at any point in an agile fashion. An essential step in the framework is the formative and summative evaluation. This step evaluates if the entry bahviours were predicted correctly and if the instruction was successful.

Pappas states that: "Components such as the instructor, learners, materials, instructional activities, delivery system, and learning and performance environments interact with each other and work together to bring about the desired learner outcomes" (Pappas, 2015).

Morrison, Ross, and Kemp model

Figure 3: Morrison, Ross, and Kemp Model (igi-Global, 2021).

Working with the Morrison, Ross, and Kemp model is like handling an onion. Each layer can be peeled off independently, but each layer is a part of an entire unit. This fully customizable model creates an adaptable framework for an instructional designer and learning designer. As with any model, behaviour versus instructor approach is vital. Self-actualization is triggered when a learner's stimuli is activated with a task and feedback approach. Rewarding a learner with instant feedback or reward creates more accurate results than holding back feedback until the end of an instruction. (Schunk, 2012)

SAM model

Figure 4:SAM Model: Best Instructional Design Model for Short Deadlines and Staying on Budget (Waqas, 2018).

The SAVVY start phase of this model is a quick one to establish the objectives and goals. Rotating between design, prototype, and review phases will set the foundation of the intended instruction or project. This iterative design phase focuses on what the instruction should be, but more importantly, what it should not be. Establishing what a project is not, brings attention to the learner's expectations and the objective intention. Iterative development phases differ across industries. This phase seeks any errors and amendments needed for the rollout phase. For software companies, the development, implementation and, evaluation phases are done in a live manner which can be altered in an agile way. In the built environment, the Iterative development phase forms a linear structure because events and installations occur in a subsequential way. The design, however, will always relate back to the Design phase for revisions and objective clarification.

Factors of instructional design


This behavioural trait in learners impairs their performance and cognitive functions that affect attention, memory, concept formation, and problem-solving. (Culatta, 2021)

Instructional designers as practitioners can combat this trait by:

· Preparing individuals to minimize stress

· Using positive feedback during a task

· Omit possibilities of failure


Bartlett (1932, 1958) suggested that "…memory takes the form of schema which provide a mental framework for understanding and remembering information." (Culatta, 2021)


Achievement motivation is one of the most sought-after research topics about learning. "Motivation to achieve is a function of the individual's desire for success, the expectancy of success, and the incentives provided." (Culatta, 2021)

Design models and Interior design

Interior design is project managed in a linear manner. However, the initial phase of the client brief and design is one of an agile movement. The SAM model speaks clearly to an interior designer in the built environment. Installations follow one after another in a linear fashion. However, research and design can become cyclical until a clear objective or brief has been established.


The golden thread linking any instructional model is the consideration towards the learner. Behaviour, environment, and previous knowledge are essential to understand what approach an instructional designer needs to take for teaching to be effective.

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igi-Global. (2021). Semanticscholar. Retrieved 04 17, 2021, from Instructional System Design (isd):

Kurt, D. S. (2016, 12 01). Educationaltechnology. Retrieved 04 17, 2021, from Dick and Cary Instructional Model:

Pappas, C. (2015, 11 24). eLarning Industry. Retrieved 04 17, 2021, from 9 Steps to apply the Dick and Carey Model in eLearning:

Rittle, H. W., & Webber, M. M. (1973). Dilemmas in General Theory of Planning (Vol. 4). Amsterdam : Elsevier Scientific Publishing company .

Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning Theories, An Educational Perspctive (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved 04 17, 2021

Waqas. (2018, 09 31). 360learning. Retrieved 04 17, 2021, from Sam Model: Best instructional design model for short deadlines and staying on budget:

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